
Oh hey did you know I am a graphic designer? And the best way to organize before execution is drawing/sketching. Because we live in a digital age, I rarely spend a lot of time in a sketchbook, but just quick squiggles on a piece of graph paper. That being said, I personally think I am terrible at drawing. I could probably draw well enough to get my point across, but it isn’t anything nice enough to talk about.

So, to kill two birds with one stone, I’ve been drawing out outfits that can be made possible with the clothes in my closet. I have a lot of stuff I don’t wear, being that I’ve changed in size. I turned my second bedroom into a closet/dressing room/kitchen storage space. Now I can keep track of what I have, and all the possible ways to wear it. If you can think of more that would help!

What I wore last week:


…and then I got tired. It’s busy super busy busy, but I guess I don’t really need to tell you that. Happy Hump Day and I hope this was a good week!

0 thoughts on “Sketches

  1. Hey. I like that last outfit as well as the TripleOG stuff.

    I actually need to get started on this one design, but I totally forgot. I need to set email reminders. Whoops.

    Site is coming along great. 🙂

    1. I want a pair of lower black ones! Thanks, I am trying to make do with the clothes I already have. No more shopping until next year. For clothes anyway.

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