Sun Noodle Ramen Kits


RAMEN!!! I love ramen. Ever since I had my first taste at Toki Underground, I’ve been hooked. It changed my whole outlook. I should have known there was a non instant version that I was missing out on. But that was ALL I knew. My friend Lorri in NYC shipped me a bunch of ramen kits by Sun Noodle and I’m obsessed.

The kit comes with two individually wrapped servings of fresh noodles and a pack of tare that you dilute in hot water. The rest is up to you!


I can only eat cooked sprouts, but lucky me, these sprouts for the ramen are cooked. I made a sauce that was sesame oil, black pepper, soy sauce to taste.


Dropped in some sprouts into boiling hot water for a minute. Then drained.


Tossed it into the sauce and added some green onion and called it a day. This is probably something I made up, but it worked with the soup!

I went to the local asian market, and picked up slices of char siu and crispy pig. I blanched some chinese broccoli. I also cooked a can of bamboo shoots, stirred them in some chili oil, sesame oil, oyster sauce and soy sauce. I also sliced up a sheet of seaweed and boiled a couple of eggs (since I can’t eat them poached or soft boiled).


I also picked up a jar of pickled red ginger. And put the bowls together how I wanted it. ALMOST PROFESSIONAL RIGHT?


I used a tonkatsu broth for mine. OMG SO GOOD. MY FAVORITE.


He and my friend Anna both went for the spicy sesame. They both said it was one of the best ramen they’ve had. AND IT WAS INSTANT at HOME. Ok, I did fancy it up a bit with extra ingredients, but restaurant quality noodles and soup at home was just super amazing to me. I’ve got a couple of these in my freezer in case I wanna do another ramen night.

THANK YOU SO MUCH LORRI for introducing me to these. My life is changed again, by ramen.




Loco Moco


I’m not Hawaiian. But I wish I was. They live the good life. Even though it’s pretty expensive to live there, from my understanding you don’t need much. Sometimes I crave Hawaiian food, but can’t find anywhere around here to satiate my hunger, so I have to figure it out myself. There was a Hawaiian themed bar I tried out, they failed horribly. Never again. Any whoo. I found this recipe on Food Republic. I of course didn’t follow it to the T and ended up with a not so wet gravy, but it was good all the same.

Wash it down with some pog and you are good to go!

Smash Cake

One of our dear friends, Kam, turned 30 last week. And our friends Jason and Deanna decided to give him a smash cake, as well as some hulk hands to complete the job. Best.Idea.Ever. They baked him a cake layered 4 stacks high specifically for this occasion. Prior to this, we went out on a triple dinner date (CFF= Couple Friends Forever) and its always a good time. I am so thankful to have my friends, and our husbands all get along. After smashing one cake, we ate another. We love you Kam!

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Corn Pancakes


I remember when IHOP used to have corn pancakes. I really loved them. It was like almost like corn bread but in a pancake form (and I love corn bread!). Then one day, they decided to break our hearts and take them away with no explanation (maybe there was an explanation but I didn’t look it up). Anywho, I stumbled across a copycat recipe and YAY, something to satisfy my craving.


Mix corn meal, flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder.


In another larger bowl, eggs, and sugar.



Then add buttermilk, whole milk and melted butter.


Add dry ingredients to wet.


Then let the batter sit for a little bit, while you prep your pan.


Heat up some butter in a skillet or griddle.




Corn Pancakes
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup cornmeal
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 cup whole milk
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup butter, melted
butter for cooking

Combine the first 5 ingredients in a small bowl. Set aside. In a large bowl whisk together eggs and sugar until well combined. Mix in milk, buttermilk, and melted butter. Slowly mix in dry ingredients to wet ingredients until well mixed. Let batter sit for at least 10 minutes.

Heat a skillet or griddle to medium low heat. Add butter to coat the pan. Spoon batter into pan and cook pancakes until golden on each side.

Dog Birthday Cake


I love my pup. A lot. He’s my furchild. You can make fun of me if you want, but I threw Bawse a birthday party this year. It will be the last year that he’s an only child, and hes a lot calmer now so we can have dogs in our tiny space without much destruction.


He had his buddies come over, we took them to run around in a park, then came back to cake and ice cream.

Here’s how I made his pup friendly cake!


Mix whole wheat, oats, and baking powder in one bowl.


Pumpkin, eggs, natural peanut better and vanilla extract in another.


Then mix THAT together.


And bake!


Cream cheese, yogurt, and honey.


Mix til smooth.


Decorate with milk bones!


I didn’t want the extra cake to go to waste after I trimmed it flat, so I made cake balls!

Bawse’s Birthday Cake
3 ½ cups whole wheat flour
½ cup oats
1 tbsp baking powder
2 ½ cups water
½ of 15 oz can of pumpkin puree
1 egg lightly beaten
½ tsp vanilla extract
Mini Milkbones for decoration

Preheat the oven to 350F. In a medium bowl mix flour, oats and baking powder together. Set aside. In a large bowl, mix water, pumpkin, egg, peanut butter and vanilla until well mixed. Stir dry ingredients into wet, until thoroughly mixed. Scoop into non stick cake pans. Bake until center sets about 45 minutes.

Cool completely. Remove from cake pan. Frost and decorate.

8 oz low fat cream cheese, room temperature
2 tbsp plain yogurt
1 tbsp honey

Mix until smooth, spread on cake!


Spam Musubi


I have my moments, where I miss the sunny days spent in Hawaii a few years ago for my birthday. And now being pregnant, I crave things even stronger than I did before. My husband gave me a spam musubi mold, so I was like. HECK YES. I have to use it right?


I gathered all my ingredients. Cooked 3 cups of sushi rice, sliced up a can of spam, nori furikake (rice seasoning), and cut sheets of roasted seaweed.


You want to make sure you have all your ingredients ready before you cook the spam. I cut the seaweed in half, and cooked the rice and pulled it out of the cooker to cook a little so it wouldn’t stay too wet. Mix the sugar and soy sauce.


Cook the spam in it until crispy and caramelized.






Spam Musubi
3 cups of uncooked sushi rice, cooked
1 can of low sodium Spam, cut into 10 even slices
4 tbsp soy sauce
4 tbsp sugar
5 sheets of seaweed, cut in half to make 10

Cook the rice. After it is done cooking, take it off of heat, stir and set aside to cool. Cook spam in a non stick pan in the soy sauce until caramelized and crispy. Place a musubi press on the center of a half sheet of nori.  Take desired amount of rice and scoop into press. Press to pack tightly. Sprinkle furikake to taste. Top with a slice of spam. Press through and wrap.

This is just one way to do it! You can add egg,  less seaweed, the possibilities are endless. There are even different flavors of spam to experiment with. Once you get the basics down, you are good to go!


Comfort Food: Chicken and Rice Soup


When I’m sick, I’m a big baby, BIG baby. And when my mom was still alive, no matter how old I got, if I was sick, I could always go to her and she’d make me some of her magic maman soup and everything would be better. Then I would take a nap and feel better. Now that she’s gone, I’m forced to make it myself. It doesn’t have the same touch as love from my mom, but it still does make me feel comforted.


Start off with some bone in, whole chicken pieces. Thighs or breast, your preference. Salt, lemon grass and ginger. THAT’S IT. Bring to a boil and let simmer until chicken is cooked. Remove the chicken, then scoop up all the fat and gunk at the top.


Then add rice to the broth, cook until rice is tender.


Mix in shredded chicken pieces. And serve with your favorite toppings! I like chili oil, white pepper and sometimes a little green onion and cilantro.

Since this is made with love, I didn’t really keep track of how much what, in where. This is definitely going into my cook book, once I start keeping track of measurements. If you want to try it out yourself, feel free to contact me (twitter, facebook, IG), and I’ll try to help you out!