Pistachio Pesto

This new vitamix is crazy. I love it. One of the first non smoothie thing I made was pesto. This thing is a champ. I didn’t have to prechop anything. Just threw in the nuts, garlic, basil, olive oil gave it a whirl and it was beautiful.
So much so, that I had too much pesto. And of course I had to make 2 things, pizza and pasta!
Pesto goes great with grilled chicken. Always handy to have it around. And look at those grill marks. YUM. Thank you Le Creuset.

Pesto is fairly easy to make, fresh and delicious. I got this recipe from my friend Anna. But you know me, I don’t measure! So this recipe is straight from wherever she got it. Hope it works for you!

Pistachio Pesto

1 cup shelled pistachios
2 cups fresh basil
2 large cloves of garlic
1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup of olive oil


Process the first 4 ingredients then slowly add olive oil to your desired consistency.



It was between this and the Ninja Kitchen system. I mostly like ninja because well…it’s called a ninja! But after reading all the reviews, we went for the Vitamix, and I love it. So far I have only made smoothies with it, but its fast, and easy to clean! I also got the dry blender to make my own flours. Looks like I need to get back to making macarons!

Update: Itchies

So I was in Florida last week. I had an amazing time, but I'm itchy. Really itchy. Bites, all over my body. We went to Cape Canaveral beach, and got eaten alive by sand midges. Sand Gnats. Whatever you want to call it, those suckers, bite. They itch worse than mosquito bites, and last longer. I am miserable. ALSO. You might have noticed that all my old recipes that were written in the blog are gone. WOMP. Because I had a plug in fail, and now they are lost forever. Its okay, I think its time to redo all those old ones anyways. You all need a refresher right?


DogVacay Review

Wow. Why haven't I heard about this site before? Thanks Michelle for letting me know!

Basically I needed a last minute daycare for Bawse because we had a charity event that we were hosting. Everyone we knew was busy, or going, and his normal daycare was booked. My friend via twitter told me about DogVacay.com. This site is awesome. All their caretakers are screened prior to becoming hosts. You can see the place your pup will stay, as well as profiles of other dogs that live in that home. It's cage free boarding, and your pet is supervised and loved on 24/7. You even get photos and updates via text.

Did I mention it's 24/7 support, free pet insurance and money back guarantee? Because that's pretty much why I was willing to try. It was basically no risk! Except for the fact that Bawse is you know…a pitbull. I knew that some people would be wary, so I messaged people personally to see if they would even consider housing a pitbull in their house, with their kids with their dog. Two had positive responses, and one lady who was like “well, since he's still a puppy he should be okay, but we can have a meet and greet then decide”. Yeah I decided not to go to her.

Bawse did a meet and greet with Kelly W. She has two little boys under the age of 5. Bawse and the kids got along great. We let him go to daycare there once, and plan on letting him go there at least once a week. He was SO exhausted from running and playing and loving on the boys that as soon as we picked him up, he passed out in the car.

He went straight to his crate on his own and passed out with the door open until the next morning! Definitely check out the site if you need a last minute pet sitter!


Feed Starving People

You know what's awesome? When people can find a way to do something they love, and help people at the same time. My car club recently joined forces with another team to Feed Starving people. The event raised money to support this organization's next mission in South East Asia. They also collected clothing donations.

We had the event at the Greene Turtle in Dulles. They were very accommodating. We had a car show with trophies for winners, car limbo, a DJ and vendors. It was fun to share the day with other car enthusiasts and my team!



Happy Friday the 13th!

Some might think of this day as bad luck, but I seem to have pretty great days on this date. Two of my tattoos were done on Friday the 13ths… And what makes it awesome, it’s a Friday!! Fridays are always good.

So this is who I am going to be partying with tonight!!!!What are YOU doing?

Krispy Kreme Donut Breakfast Sandwich

Aka the “Travis”. You have heard of the Luther. Meet it's breakfast counterpart, the Travis. Sausage, egg and cheese squeezed between a Krispy Kreme doughnut. This is real. Real delicious. I was nervous about how people would like it, but it was well received! These went fast, as well as some of my other favorite brunch items.

Bacon egg toast cups.


And Mama D's famous challah French toast.

I love hosting brunches, complete with a build your own MIEMOsa bar!

Congratulations Yueh Yee & Eugene

This year has been pretty crazy. In a good way. Lots of personal life changes, with myself and family. It was hard but we are getting through it. A good chunk of this year was spent thinking about this wedding. Now that its over I am a little sad. Yueh Yee, I like to call her Stealth, is my sister. Sorority sister, but a sister nonetheless. Along with our friend Susan, we are the three musketeers. I met them my first year of college, and time and distance never really kept us apart.

After college, she went off to China, then left me again for Miami. Now she's back, and married, to an awesome guy named Eugene. I am super happy for her, and excited that they are back in town and I can be around for the next adventures in their lives!


The Honest Company

I've decided that I want to live a healthier, cleaner lifestyle. I've already stopped drinking alcohol for OVER a year now. What? Seriously. Yes. I have. I have moments where I'm like man, everyone is drinking, maybe I'll have some wine…but nope I don't, and I still have as much fun as everyone else. Plus I am happy to drive anyone home safely.

On that note, getting older I'm getting allergies that I never had before and my skin is doing weird things. So I started reading a couple of books on how to live and eat naturally (Kimberly Snyder per Suburbanette's recommendation, and The Honest Life per Amzster)

After posting that I ordered the Honest Company Products, I noticed that people wanted a review. My first set of products are the fruit and veggie wash, shampoo & body wash, conditioner, face & body lotion.


So this stuff is pretty awesome. I love eating nectarines and apples, but they always have a waxiness to it, plus the thought of everyone else touching it just gives me the heebie jeebies. When used per instructions, the fruit was left feeling clean and I could eat it no fear!It’s all natural and I’m excited to eat more apples in the upcoming season.

This is the shampoo and body wash. As a girl, I always felt those combos were for guys only. But I kind of like having one less bottle in the shower. Being all natural, I was a little worried that I wouldn’t feel as clean. The crucial test? After a wedding I was in, where my hair was sprayed with almost a WHOLE can of hairspray, and my updo was pretty much glued to my head, I was still able to get it all out. My hair was squeaky clean afterwards. Bonus, I could rub in the excess foam to wash my body too. I still added more though because I’m a germaphobe. The conditioner does what it’s supposed to.

This is also a two in one that I appreciate. I usually keep face and body separate, because thats usually how products are designed, but this is pretty gentle and light enough for face and body. I was a little weirded out by the texture at first. It’s not as creamy and thick as I am used to, but then I realized I like this more because it absorbs into your skin pretty quickly and you aren’t left feeling sticky. Which is partially why I don’t lotion up right after the shower usually. The only thing I don’t like is that there isn’t built in sunblock, like my usual face lotion. So I only use this before bed.

So far so good with these products. I’ve had no allergic reactions. The smell is sweet and gentle. I will let you know if there are any improvements on my skin or if anything else happens!

Life with Bawse

So my little guy is neutered. It was a long time coming. He was supposed to get it done when he was 5 months, but because of his sensitive tummy, he wasn't getting enough iron. He recently was neutered and had a benign tumor removed.

He still a super happy, friendly puppy. And a ladies man, as seen here at my sorority dinner.

He is 8 months at over 60 lbs, but he's still a little guy. Just compact and strong. He finished his training at petsmart, but we decided against letting him take his AKC good citizen certification before neutering. Once he heals, we are going to work with him again to take that test.

My poor guy after surgery. He got a tumor removed, castrated, and he had an ulcer in his eye. But he's healing up well and still has his puppy energy and playfulness.