Louisiana in Virginia: CRAWFISH

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Since my oldest brother and my dad moved up to Virginia, I haven’t been “home” to Baton Rouge in a long time. (But I’ll be going to New Orleans with the ladies soon!) My favorite thing about Louisiana is FOOD. All the holidays I spent there were.. Thanksgiving (food!) and Memorial day weekends (prime crawfish time) were based on food. Last year, I had an independence day weekend crawfish boil at Vitya’s house. And it was awesome! Grilling, boiling and just getting down and dirty with food and friends. There were also cigars and red wine for those that chose to partake. Pure summer bliss. In preparation of making that an annual thing, my brother ordered a real Louisiana crawfish pot and gas tank and this weekend I sent 30lbs of live crawifish to his house to do a trial run. OMG. YES. This is pretty much how it went down, in pictures :

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Live Crawfish

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Butter and secret ingredient that makes it burn your mouth but not your butt.

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Never enough butter in southern cooking.

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Stir enthusiastically.

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Ugggh. The weather has been cold and yucky this week, which is a shock from that nice warm weather we were having before. I can’t wait until its steady with the warm temps and have cookouts and boils EVERY weekend.

Walker’s Grille for Brunch

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug On one of his evening runs, the honey discovered this place. So one Saturday morning, we got up and headed over for brunch. It was a lot nicer than I expected. They have outdoor seating, a bar, booths, this place was legit. AND! They have eggs benedict. Yes I know I should probably get tired of them soon. Maybe I should just learn how to poach an egg…. Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Anywhoo. The verdict? Great selection. I’d go back to try something else. I don’t know if it is me, or if everyone is using the vinegar trick but all the eggs taste vinegary, 2 out of the 4 places I’ve had poached eggs. But his breakfast tasted amazing, yes I took some of his breakfast too. The hashbrowns are nommy, and the bacon are thick applewood style. SO GOOD. However they shaved their ham so thin it was like prosciutto and I wasn’t a fan. Also their english muffins we’re toasted at all/or enough. Fail. Maybe next time I’ll get eggs florentine with a side of bacon. Love that fresh fruit comes as a side :D.

So Wait, You’re Telling Me They’re Aliens?

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug No. No. No. No. Michael Bay, what are you doing? Ok, I know, he told us to take a chill pill and wait, but I am so tired of all these remakes… (even though I thought 21 Jump Street and A-Team were effing hilarious) and changing stuff up. In case you are too lazy to read the article, Mr.Transformers himself is redoing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was super excited, right? Because I’ve worn out all my live action movie dvds. Until I found out that they will no longer be mutants…but aliens? *Insert Tears* Obviously this isn’t going to stop me from watching it. But I will be extremely upset if they are the same turtles we all know and love.

I will get Raphael on your ass.

“Michael Bay is a fuck up. You can quote me on that.” my best friend Goose.

***Love the picture?  Vitya found it in a bathroom in brooklyn.

Cookout Season!!

One of the best things about sunshine and warm weather is grilling outside with your friends and family. The smell of charcoal and meat in the air, a slight breeze and chasing after napkins when the wind blows is where it’s at. Had my first cookout this weekend at the condo and it was fuuuuun. I am happy. Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

My second attempt at Kalbi (korean short ribs) and they were a hit. Which made me really proud, because instead of using a recipe this time, I just made it the way I wanted the marinade to taste like and it was a winner. We had short ribs, chicken wings, burgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, kabobs and chocolate cupcakes! Can’t wait until I can throw crawfish into that mix!

Evening Star for Brunch

I am back with another brunch recap! Saturday mornings, I wake up and immediately google brunches nearby. This time I landed on Evening Star in Del Ray. Super cute neighborhood, and they have a parking lot in the back. Love the decor and how the tiny space was set up.

I ordered the eggs benedict of course, and it came with a plate of vinegary greens. I also got a side of bacon, because that is just what I do.

The hash browns were awesome. The bacon was a little thin for my tastes, and the eggs benedict were cooked just right. My belly had a good time. Not to mention, stellar service. I was impressed that one of the guys there noticed our table was uneven and fixed it without us prompting him to.

I’d go back. But I would probably try something else. The vinegary greens made everything I taste like vinegar. Even a bite of his chicken and waffles!

Bistro Cacao for Brunch

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug Brunch Brunch Brunch. I am ADDICTED. Ever since Birch and Barley, I’ve been obsessed with getting brunch on weekends. I wake up demanding eggs benedict and threaten to hulk smash anything that will get in the way. Well, not really. But I think my new thing, is to eat as many classic eggs benedicts as possible from different places and write about it. Yeah. And MIEMOsas. yum.
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugSo Valentine’s day, the boo took me to Bistro Cacao. The outside looks like a row house on the Hill. We walk in greeted by a friendly fireplace and a crazy wine room. I loved the way it was laid out. Room after room of dining areas. The host seats us in a nook behind red drapes and 3 windows overlooking the street. Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugWhen it comes to brunch, I am still pretty new. The only brunch I’m familiar with is Dim Sum. So it was my first time having a classic eggs benedict and it was amazing. I am smitten. Quite smitten actually. But lets not get ahead of ourselves. Like most places that host a brunch, its a fixed menu that you get to choose items from. All come with a starter mixed pastries basket. This was my favorite from the basket. Nutella. Yum.
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugMy food. So delicious. So happy. These eggs benedict changed my life. The challenge is to find something like this every weekend. I accept. I would definitely want to brunch there again!

Over all the bistro was GREAT. I’d love to try their dinner menu. If I do, I’ll definitely let you know 😉

Kazaxe: Extreme Dance Workout

by azukabom, on Flickr

Okay. I think I am super late. A lot of my girlfriends already have had a taste of this dance fever. And I am just now getting into it. I’ve always been lucky to have the body I do, given the way I eat. I hate working out. I don’t know what to do. Like really…me going to the gym, is me running on a treadmill trying not to sing out loud to my iPod.

I’ve tried all the ways, joined a gym, took classes…then I realized, I liked coming home to cook, more than going to a gym and only having time to eat something less fulfilling later. I am terrible. But as I get older, I actually FEEL older. My body aches. My skin is doing weird things, my hair lacks luster and I just don’t feel good. Then again, I am writing this as I am getting over a virus and allergies are in full swing. So my body just feels yucky.

My ride or die chick, who pretty much gyms it every day, conscious of what shes eating and never obnoxious about it, who does successful healthy cleanses, suggested I try out kazaxe. What? Karate with an ax? I did hear about it before but never really took the time to look into it. When Vitya suggested it, it was more motivating, because like the doll she is, she said she would do it with me AND drive me there. How could I say no right?

I’m hooked. I had my first class and bought a keytag. It is sooooo much fun. I get a little awkward when it comes to dancing all  “club sexy”, but the lights are dim, there’s a bajillion other people there and no one is pay attention to anything but the stage, so we’re clear. It’s a mix of dancehall reggae, hip hop, latin, and even some pacific island style dancing…specifically tinikling.

Also, the instructor/creator Asuka, is so positive and upbeat. She’s beautiful, she’s fun, and I secretly want to be her best friend. If you are confident enough, you can join her on stage and dance. Which is probably more room than on the main floor since this is so popular it can get cramped. But everyone is so friendly, you don’t have to worry about getting punched in the face for accidentally stepping on someone’s shoes…like in a club.

Check it out!