I had no idea that the Philadelphia Zoo was the first zoo in America. According the plaque located at the entrance.
Also, this statue is at the beginning of the zoo. Its a mama lion with an arrow through her, and her babies on her and the daddy lion looking mad. If I was a kid, I would be scared and not want to go in.

The zoo was fun. I can’t wait to have kids and take them to things like this. Mostly so I don’t look like a weird adult who actually like doing things like this.
I thought this was super cute. The monkeys were sitting next to each other with their tails intertwine. Love in the wild. Well not wild, but wild animals. It makes me sigh from the love. They even look like a heart shape.

Yes. They did run this joint. I was clearly scared.
Rhinos look like dinosaurs to me.

Elephants are cute…I don’t remember seeing them at the zoo though?!
Cool fish tank. This is John. He loves fish.
I thought these flowers were SOO pretty and cute and fun. Anyone know what they are called?
I had a great time at the zoo…and makes me want to do more things like this. What’s up next friends?!