Okay. I think I am super late. A lot of my girlfriends already have had a taste of this dance fever. And I am just now getting into it. I’ve always been lucky to have the body I do, given the way I eat. I hate working out. I don’t know what to do. Like really…me going to the gym, is me running on a treadmill trying not to sing out loud to my iPod.
I’ve tried all the ways, joined a gym, took classes…then I realized, I liked coming home to cook, more than going to a gym and only having time to eat something less fulfilling later. I am terrible. But as I get older, I actually FEEL older. My body aches. My skin is doing weird things, my hair lacks luster and I just don’t feel good. Then again, I am writing this as I am getting over a virus and allergies are in full swing. So my body just feels yucky.
My ride or die chick, who pretty much gyms it every day, conscious of what shes eating and never obnoxious about it, who does successful healthy cleanses, suggested I try out kazaxe. What? Karate with an ax? I did hear about it before but never really took the time to look into it. When Vitya suggested it, it was more motivating, because like the doll she is, she said she would do it with me AND drive me there. How could I say no right?
I’m hooked. I had my first class and bought a keytag. It is sooooo much fun. I get a little awkward when it comes to dancing all “club sexy”, but the lights are dim, there’s a bajillion other people there and no one is pay attention to anything but the stage, so we’re clear. It’s a mix of dancehall reggae, hip hop, latin, and even some pacific island style dancing…specifically tinikling.
Also, the instructor/creator Asuka, is so positive and upbeat. She’s beautiful, she’s fun, and I secretly want to be her best friend. If you are confident enough, you can join her on stage and dance. Which is probably more room than on the main floor since this is so popular it can get cramped. But everyone is so friendly, you don’t have to worry about getting punched in the face for accidentally stepping on someone’s shoes…like in a club.
Check it out!