DogVacay and Movember

So I’ve already told about Bawse still goes to his daycare through them every week! He loves Kelly, and they love him. It’s a great break for him in the middle of the week. Well this month is “movember” and I wanted to share this funny picture of Bawse and I. Him being my mustache of course.

In celebration of this month DogVacay asked me to spotlight Bawse! For those of you who don’t already know. Bawse is an 11 month old American Pitbull Terrier. He is a blue brindle color with a heart of gold. He’s mischievous, silly, curious and listens… for the most part. He is our fur child and we wouldn’t have it any other way! He’s completed all 3 levels of training at Petsmart, and is potty and crate trained. He loves his marrow bones, and squeaky balls. We are still working on how excited he gets when people walk through the door, but give him some time, and he’ll get it. He also loves to share his toys with you, so please expect him to try to hand you a ball as soon as you walk through the door. If you let him he will attack you with kisses and won’t stop until you’re face is raw, so don’t say yes if you don’t mean it!

How’s that for a dating profile on my pup huh?