Adventures in Real Estate Pt. 3: Finding the Dream Home

beach house #5(Via Flickr)

So we did it! I found a place that had the lay out I liked, and just needed some things changed here and there. I wanted granite counters, all new appliances, I would have had to change out the carpet, get a digital thermostat, and changed the lighting in the kitchen. Now I just need to write a check and tell them my offering price and see if they accept. I was so nervous, I never wrote out a check for that much before. I started crying, poor Steve has to deal with me and the awkwardness that might have been. Continue reading

Miemo’s First Tree!


Yaaay! My first Christmas tree, my first Christmas in my first new home. There are a lot of new positive things in my life, to move me forward from my loss. I get excited to go home, turn off the lights and hang out in my home with the lit tree. Too much? Oh well.  Continue reading

Adventures in Real Estate: Pt. 2 The Real Estate Broker

Real Estate Tips 1

Now that I’ve been pre-approved (see previous adventure) I started looking for places in my price range. I narrowed it down to location, kitchen and number of bathrooms. I wanted to be close enough to work, so that I could go home for lunch if I needed, but also the kitchen had to be big enough for all my endeavors (I like to challenge myself with cooking). Plus 2 bathrooms sell better than 1 or 1.5 when I feel like moving again (a long time from now). Continue reading

Trombone Shorty @ 930 Club

Trombone Shorty
(via flickr)

Last week I had the pleasure of getting my awkward sway on to the musical stylings of Trombone Shorty at 930 Club. A much needed break from all the moving and unpacking and working. I had a great time, the jazz crowd was mostly older manther/cougars who were mellow. Since I give myself a two drink limit during the week, I did get annoyed at drunk smelly early 20s girls who pushed pass me without saying excuse me. Then they stop right in front of me and start dancing off beat. Those of you that know me, know I have an XL space bubble and I had to move because I was too sober to put up with their drunken stupor.

Other than that I had a lot of fun and appreciated the break. Also, it made me miss New Orleans, which means I need to attend Jazz fest to see him perform there…but I hate large crowds. What a predicament!

Adventures in Real Estate: Pt. 1 The Mortgage Broker

Money money money money by skettalee, on Flickr
(Via Flickr)

There comes a time in most young adults lives where the next step in life is to become a homeowner. I am at that point. My mom isn’t around to guide me, but luckily there are people in my life that are willing to lead me down the best path. I’ve always strived to be self sufficient, because sometimes we aren’t lucky enough to have people catch us if we fall. That being the case, you always have to be a few steps ahead of yourself in financial planning. Continue reading