That’s a really good question. I am one among, if not the only, friend in my real life group of friends that blogs regularly. Yes I can say that I am regular. I have 3 posts a week Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I don’t even know how it turned into this, that you are reading, but you know what, I am pretty proud of it.

This space started out as a spot for me to post pictures and tell stories of my life to my cousin, who lives in France. Being a graphic designer, I was naturally inclined to lay it out, instead of just email her. That and if anyone of my other out of town cousins wanted to see what I was up to, I could just be like, “oh read my blog!” I am not here to make money, or have the sole purpose of selling something. I just was making a searchable online journal with pictures. I still search every once in awhile and read about stuff I’ve done. Or remember how to do something that I’ve already done.

Then I realized the things that I love to do. Eat, cook and travel. What if someone else wanted to know how to make something, from my trials and tribulations? Or what if someone else needed some tips on a town they are visiting. Maybe they will google, and stumble upon my blog and learn from my experience. Thus the chronicles began. In addition to that, instagram came about, and people wanted to know how to make the things I post there, and just more content was added to the blog.

I don’t know if anyone else is reading. But that’s okay. I am happy with my little space on the web. I know that through my blog, I’ve made some blog friends which is super cool. Someone else out there can relate to the things I ramble about and I’ve made connections. I’ve talked to local people to, and have gotten suggestions and tips for my own area.
Social media and the internet doesn’t have to be a scary space if you are smart about it. I don’t write too many personal things on here, and I try to get permission before sharing too much information about other people. I love blogging. I realized that I love writing, and sharing stories.
Remember the xanga and livejournal days? I’m sure we all had it, now we are just smarter about it. I am building my brand, networking and I love it. Many opportunities have presented itself through my blog, and I am able to use my experience in helping small companies build their brand too!
I love to read blogs, and I am always on the look out for new blogs to read, whether it be food, fashion, life or art. I especially love it when people I KNOW, write blogs. I don’t know why, because most of the time I am living it up with them, haha. Especially when one of my friends has multiple blogs. Ha ha ha. I only have one though.
I currently make NO money off this blog. I do have an amazon affiliates link on the side if you wanna send some money my way with your usual purchases, but I’m definitely not trying to make a living off of you! The items in the amazon shop are things that I actually use at home, and like. So you can always ask me questions about it too if you want an opinion before purchasing. There’s also a link to my closet items for sale in case you want to snag some of my dresses that don’t fit anymore (that’s what happens when you cook/bake and don’t hit the gym regularly).

Why do you blog?