Emerald in the Woods

 Our friends came up to visit this past weekend, and they wanted to go “camping”. The boo and I were like, alright! We have a 3 bedroom tent, let’s do this. But then other people in the group made the requirement of…running water and electricity. WOMP. So somehow we ended up in a beautiful log cabin (mansion) in the woods. Definitely check out Emerald in the Woods. It’s spectacular.

 This place could sleep I believe up to 20 people, but there was only 10 of us. We brought enough food for the week..but we only stayed two nights. It was fully equipped. TV, WiFi, game room with air hockey, hammock, grill, wrap around porch, giant kitchen, two car garage, 4 full bathrooms. This place was stocked. Linens, towels, toilet paper, everything was included. Basically we were in a luxury hotel in the woods with no made service.


We were definitely not “camping”. It was a weekend getaway, wrapped in the silence of the woods and dark lit sky of stars. I had a great time cooking in that kitchen, and have big meals together with our friends around the dining table. We ended our last night there around a campfire, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores.

I really enjoyed the peace and quiet and not having to think about my “fast paced” life at home. But now its Monday and we are back on the grind!!!

Bye Bye Coupe


Well this is a little bittersweet. Let’s take a trip down memory lane. I just graduated college. It was time to get a big girl car, on my own. I decided on a brand new 2008 altima coupe. First of it’s kind in 2007. I had to have it ordered and delivered to the dealership because I wanted a 6 speed manual.

It was my first loan. My literal freedom. No using parent’s car or insurance, I was solo. Accompanied by my first apartment with NO roommates. I was kind of kicking butt at life after college. At least I thought so. Now that I’m older, I am ready to ditch the couple life and open up to the comfort of 4 doors, or 5 doors since my new car will be a hatch, otherwise known as a wagon.

WHAT. I ditch a sporty coupe…for a wagon?! It’s not as lame as you think, trust me. The new car is going to be fast, yet super safe and dependable. I LOVE IT and I can’t wait until it gets here. I had to order this one too, because I wanted a 6 speed hatchback and there are none around here that I could find already on the lot.  I won’t go into detail about it though.

So why is it bittersweet? Well basically the car was around when my mom was around. She went with me to get it blessed. She worked at the dealership that I bought it from. And I just guess I feel like I am losing another piece of her, as I slowly move forward with my life. No longer in the apartment that she’s been to. No long have the hair that she’s touched (I chopped it all off and donated it to women who need hair after losing it to cancer). Soon, not the car that she once road in, and had adventures with me in.

La Diplomate

I finally got a chance to taste La Diplomate. Paris was an amazing experience for me last year. After having tasted a REAL baguette and croissant my palate has been in search of the perfect baguette here in the good ol’ states. I found ONE place that I can pick some up at for home nearby.

It was a hot cloudy day when we went. There were no reservations available for sunday, so we decided to try our luck and wait for a patio seat outside. So french. Other than being a fairly large place on the corner of the street, decor wise, it did remind me of Paris. I loved it.

20130604-141656.jpgWe sat outside, facing the sidewalk, and watching the street. I had an Orangina, and ordered the duck terrine. I was sad that they lacked the standard charcuterie board, which is my go to whenever I go to a french restaurant. But Ben, our wonderful server suggested the duck terrine, which was on point. The boo had the macaroni au gratin, which was made mostly of gruyere, his favorite cheese, and cavatappi noodles.
Then it started to rain. HARD. Luckily we were finishing up and didn’t have to find an alternate eating situation. The service was great. He even threw in a baguette with my to go food because I loved it so much.

Definitely gotta go back there with someone who will share mussels with me, and again for brunch!
