I spent a few days in Ottowa, Canada this past weekend. It was a well deserved weekend getaway. Spent time with my cousins, who I haven’t seen in forever, and got to play with the not-so-new additions. P.S. My niece Avairy is the cutest baby in the world. Believe me. And she has a great personality.
Like usual I will break it all down in a couple of posts, and of course my first post is about food. I couldn’t go to Canada and not have poutine. What kind of food blogger would I be? So yeah, I had two different kinds of classic poutine while I was there.
This is something I will crave here. Delicious hot gravy, and melty cheese curds over crisp fries. Oh yes. However, I can only eat them when they first come out. Soggy is not a texture of my preference. If I were to make this at home…which I will probably try to one day if I miss it that much. I would probably have to dip my fries into a curd filled gravy. OH or maybe I’ll try it with TOTS! Sorry Canada for thinking of ways to bastardize your already delicious concoction.
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