3 Years.

PMfIXFx8b1SUHbed.jpgI contemplated whether or not to write this post, like I do every year. There really isn’t much to say. It does get a little easier to “deal” with the sadness, but of course it will never go away. The sadness that is. But you can only hope that the happiness of her being in a better place will overcome your own selfish sadness. I say selfish, because that’s what I would be if I wanted to her to stay here, even though she was suffering.

Three years has past. Three years of changes, and life passing, moving forward. I never thought I’d be the type to marry, or want kids. And after losing my maman so young, I couldn’t even imagine doing things without her, like getting married, and having babies. Yet here we are, a mere three years later and what has happened? I bought my first home. I fell in love. I got engaged. We’re planning a wedding, and babies.

I can only hope to share my memories and love from my mother to my future children.

Boxerfest 2014

7aaVpUCHR3XMWxZb.jpgAnother weekend, another car show. This time, ALL THE SUBARUS. Out of all the shows I’ve been to, this so far has been my favorite. Maybe because it was limited to subarus. They had LOTS of vendors, that were giving away GREAT stuff. I put in all my raffle tickets for a Cobb Tuner, and gift card to subimods dot com. I did NOT win.

fElh50Fo2lNvc116.jpgHowever, I did win their instagram contest. Which was funny because I wasn’t even trying. Or knew that there was one going on!


This was my wining shot. Car limbo. This Forrester was called “Forest Gump”. I love it! He didn’t win but he gave it a great try.






It was a lot of funny hanging out with friends, making new ones, meeting the people I talk car stuff with from the internet. Boxerfest was definitely a hit. They even had an autocross track!

ZGgeP34IlGG3NXSr.jpgMy favorite part of car shows though, is rolling with all your subie brothers, and breaking necks.



I got super sunburned. But it was kinda worth it. On to the next!

Springfest 2014


The first car show of the season! The honey and I headed off to Virginia Beach in two separate cars. He is part of the indoor showing of cars, so he has to park his car there early. Having the extra car is helpful for our weekend, while his car is tied up.




Traffic on 95 south is always bad. But we made it at a decent time!


We checked in our hotel, had some delicious cookies. I LOVE these cookies. I probably had 4 cookies a day. This is why I will never be able to get on a strict healthy diet. *shakes fist.


We then took his car over to the convention center and got it ready for the show the next day.vzDWQSedJR9Iqi8T.png The event showed 50 cars indoors, and 750 cars in their outer lot. There were so many types of cars there, VIP styles, stanced, classics, brand new baller cars and fun cars with their own themes like…all pink, zombie apocalypse, and other crazy customizations.o13Mp1FSaDDM7KV1.jpgWLwXmbSpmzaGJQ0U.jpgSkALsPkFXDRPw1ZD.jpgUbxJA3KdTdaIXg0u.jpgRaXTcqOjHEOtQIy9.jpg

Next big show, Boxerfest!

Life With Bawse: Spring Play date!

OZVnxYoFcb8CiAYR.jpgI know, I know it’s been such a long time since I had a Bawse update. He’s still a puppy in my eyes, but he is pretty much grown. There aren’t as many new developments. He does know how to bring his leash now to go outside, so in combination of ringing the bell and bringing the leash he gets to go outside faster (is he training us, or are we training him?).


The weather was awesome this weekend, and we couldn’t stay cooped up inside so we decided to take him for a long walk. We’ve decided that dog parks aren’t a good idea anymore (with all the pitbull hating going on) so a nice walk with a buddy is much better. Though we are still planning to check out Shirlington dog park when it gets warmer, so he can splash around!


We headed over to the W O&D trail with his buddy Isis, where they got to run, walk, play and love on each other.

A Cambodian Engagement


As you might know, a LOT of my friends are getting married around the same time. And my ride or die chick is one of them. After a surprise proposal in Cambodian, she had her traditional Cambodian engagement ceremony this past weekend, complete with lots of family working hard to put together the event.


It started off with preparations all week.





Then when the big day came, everyone had to get dolled up and things set up. There is a big march to the house, and the groom tells the family why he’s there.


It was pretty cute actually. The story goes, he was walking by the house, and he saw their beautiful daughter and wants to make her his wife. He brings gifts/bribes to get the family of the bride to say yes.


They come to an agreement, and the goods (aka the bride) gets brought out for “inspection”. Haha. Okay maybe I’m making it too casual, but this is how it played out in my mind.


BUT THERE’s a TWIST. The family of the bride decides that, no shes worth more than that. Their daughter is a wonderful magical princess and isn’t easily bought. SOOOO. The groom had to write a check. They finally were like, yeah, okay. We’ll let her go.




Then the engagement is official and we party all night long! And eat! Please note, that this was all in Cambodian, and I didn’t understand a lot of what was going on, so I pretty much made it up.


Lao culture is very similar, except we don’t have an engagement ceremony. You pretty much get married when proposed to!


Seeing this made me so happy. It’s real life. They’ve been together and known each other for more years than there are on my hands. I can’t wait til we all have babies and they can share the friendship that we have.

It’s April!?


Oh my? Where has the time gone? I know I’ve done poorly on my blog. It’s ok. It happens. You are still my friend right? You know how it goes. Life happens! First I was sick, then I got better.


In between all that, I mass produced macarons. Yes I am back in business!


With new mailable packages (beta).


Also, I’ve been making a lot of these cookies. They will be available for purchase too. Trust me, they’re good.


On top of all that baking, and trying to get my little side business together, I’ve been working on wedding stuff. This is mostly a food blog/my life so there won’t be too many details on that. I don’t like wedding planning, so I probably won’t like writing about it either. Just know, that this won’t be the kind of wedding you’re used to!




I also took the time, to hang out and catch up with my favorite girls! Eating mussels one night, and chicken and waffles the next time. Eating and girly talks are my fave.


My brother had the grand opening for his garage this past weekend. It was a big deal. My little baby brother (he’s really not that little or a baby) opened his OWN garage. Automotive customization. His dream is now a reality. How amazing is that? So proud.


Now after all that sickness, and bad eating,. I have to get healthy and make wise eating decisions. After going through all the options available out there…I think Paleo is probably the most realistic for me. Lots of meats and vegetables.. BUT NO GRAINS (oh no…but I need rice and breads and pasta) and you know stuff like, no dairy, processed sugars and legumes. We’re going to ease into it though. I wonder if the boys in the house will notice.


I’m still going to be cooking and baking wonderful delicious stuff that I probably can’t eat and write about those recipes. Because, food blog.




Blah. Sick


If you follow me on instagram, you probably know that I was sick over the long weekend. I had to cancel all my social plans, to include DIM SUM, and watching Frozen and having a PJ party. I missed DIM SUM. This is serious. I am a lot better now, I still wake myself up in the middle of the night from coughing, but I know the end is near.

That being said, I haven’t had blog posts queued up and ready to go, and I need to play catch up in work, and life! Hope everyone is doing well!


<3 Miemo

We’re Engaged!


I can’t believe I am writing this post. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share this personal of a story on my blog, but it’s such a good story, why not? As you already know, the honey surprised me with a birthday trip to the Bahamas. But the surprise did not end there.


Our second day on the islands, he made reservations at Dune Restaurant on Paradise Island. Before that though, he wanted to watch the sunset at this special place he read about The Cloisters. He said it would be a nice little walk on the beach to get there.


Yes, it was a walk on the beach, but no it was not nice. Haha! Since we were headed to dinner afterwards, I was already made up, and in my dinner dress. We walked down to the public beach and walked across the sands, for what felt like an hour over hilly ATV tracks. When we finally made it to where we could walk off the beach and on to the roads, we ended up in front of a liquor store, and on the back side of an industrial park.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, we were walking in the wrong direction on the main road. As the neighborhoods got less friendly, he realized…and we turned around and walked in the right direction. I’m sweating, and not feeling fresh for our fancy dinner and he’s soaked through his shirt. But when we got to the destination, I forgot all about it.


The Cloisters are beautiful. Sculptures and flowers and a cute little altar overlooking the water at the end of it. He told me to go ahead and check it out, he was going to set up the camera. So I am in the altar taking pictures, and he joins me.


He hands me a scroll with a love letter written in it. I start tearing up as I read it, and at the end it says, “PS I have a question for you”.

I look up at him and say, “What’s up”, and he looks a little startled and says, “what”. I told him he said he had a question…and he gets down on one knee.

“Will you marry me?”
“Yes” -tears falling.


“can you put it on me?”

“oh yeah” *slips ring onto finger

Hugs and kisses all around. <3




Surprise! Bahamas.


Last year for my birthday, we went to Hawaii. I thought that couldn’t be topped. He did it big, and he did it better this year. And it was completely unexpected. In the weeks leading up to this trip, he mentioned that we were going to take a weekend getaway “south” about 3-4 hours away. Me thinking I am Sherlock, assumed that it would be a ROAD TRIP to North or South Carolina.

I was completely wrong.


Friday morning, we loaded up the car, and I thought I was headed to work, but no. I soon realized we were headed to the airport. Freaking out, because I am type A and need to be prepared for all situations, I exclaim that I am not packed for the airport. He says he’s got it covered, and when we parked, he pulls out a bag of small empty containers. Time to dump my full sized goodies into tiny bottles.


We walk into the terminal, and he hands me my passport. WAIT, WHAT. I’m not prepared to go out of the country!? We made it through security and sit down at our gate. I still have no idea where we are going. He hands me my boarding pass. WE ARE GOING TO THE BAHAMAS?!…I’m not packed for the Bahamas!!? I had jeans and sweaters in my luggage. Lucky me, he packed my flip flops, bathing suits and “summer” clothes.

It was a complete surprise, with much more in store. I was so happy to escape the snow!
