

We are back from vacation, and just as I predicted, it was all I needed. After a grueling 12 hours in the car, we made it home. I am happy and ready to tackle my to do list with a new joie de vivre.


The cottage was beautiful. So much bright light reflecting off the lake. The temperature was perfect. The only thing to complain about, if you want me to be realistic, is the mosquitoes. Muskoka Mosquitoes. They are huge, relentless and the boss of this town. Everyone was spraying every 30 minutes just to prevent being eaten alive.


There were lots of water activities to participate in… which I didn’t, because I am terrified by bodies of natural water. However, the honey did get me in a canoe. That didn’t last very long. Luckily he got in with our cousin and they power rowed so far away from us, and caught a fish!



It was so great to be back around family. I feel like all my female relatives are in Canada, while I’m stuck in America with all the boys!


We made a pact to see each other at least once a year. 2 years in a row so far!


There are too many cute babies in this family.


The lake life, is the good life. More posts later! For now, time to catch up with my life! Thank you so much for having us Amy!


Fried Chicken


Can I tell you something? Deep frying scares me. I know, I’m southern. What’s wrong with me. I’ve been popped in the face by oil before. That’s what happened. However after years of cooking I’ve gotten the key concept down. Hot oil + Water= Death. Simple enough, you would think. It’s not always applied.


When Vina said she wanted a homecooked southern meal, fried chicken is always the first thing to pop up. I had to face my fears and give her want she wanted. After all, she shot beautiful engagement photos for us. She can have whatever she wants.


This recipe is so simple, that I don’t even want to call it a recipe. Just follow the instructions kid, you got this.

fRbLWDCt3EYO5ZVB.jpgFirst and foremost, you need chicken. Chop up a whole one, or just buy the pieces you like. Make sure they are completely thawed. PAT THEM DRY. This is important. After they are dry. Place them in a baking dish and pour buttermilk over it. Put it in the fridge over night, flip the pieces half way through. I also added a little salt and pepper.


Preheat the oven to 325F. In a ziplock bag, mix together flour and cornmeal with your favorite seasonings (I like cajun seasoning). Shake it up. Add the chicken pieces a couple at a time if you are doing only wings, or one a time if you are doing whole chicken parts. Let them rest on wax paper for about 15 minutes or while you heat up your oil. This helps the coating stay on better.



Fill a deep cast iron pot with about 1/2 in of oil. I used avocado oil. You can use criso shortening or peanut oil. Any high heat oil will do. Heat the oil to 350F degrees. Gently place a few pieces of chicken in the hot oil (don’t crowd the pot). Leave it alone for about 2 minutes, until one side is golden. Then flip over until the other side is a deep golden color as well.

Place the chicken on a cooling rack with paper towels underneath it to catch oil drippings. When all the chicken is fried, place the rack on a cooking tray and bake in the oven for about 15 minutes or until chicken is cooked all the way through.


Gnocchi Pesto with Shrimp


I love pasta. It’s so filling and comforting. And it can be quite a quick meal! Even when you make your sauce from scratch.


Pestos are awesome. You can pretty much make them out of anything. I’ve done it with arugula, you can do it with spinach, and even use pistachios! But for tonight’s dinner we are going classic. Pine nuts, garlic, Parmesan, basil, olive oil, and a little salt and pepper.


Blend it all up, to your liking. Set aside.


Saute some shrimp in olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Set aside.


Boil up some gnocchi according to the package. Then toss everything together. Add more Parmesan, salt and pepper to your liking. EASY RIGHT?

It’s so quick, so easy! Who needs a recipe? You could also buy the pest pre-made if you really don’t have time. Enjoy 😀


Spatchcock: Favorite way to roast a chicken!


As you probably have noticed, I love roast chicken. I’ve done it a couple different ways here already. Now I’ve found my new go to method. Spatchcocking. Spatchcock. Basically you take a whole bird, cut down the back bone and removed it.


Similar to butterflying the bird actually. Then you open it up and lay it flat so that all the skin is at the top. Then you can season it and roast it. Cooks a little bit faster and you get all crispy skin!


I saved the backbone to make soup with it later. You never know when you’ll need it! Have you tried this method? Do you like it? Or is there something EVEN BETTER to try?

Make Up Monday: Eye Liner


Okay, lets be girly for a second. I don’t usually wear a lot of makeup. But like most women, I do like it, and the idea of it. I’m more of the lets look like I’m not wearing makeup, make up. That being said, my face usually consists of mascara, and eyeliner only on the water line of the top lashes and tinted sunblock.

I love how some people always wear eye liner. The kind where they have the smooth line, and it’s winged out. I can’t do that. Or at least I don’t have the patience to, to practice. But I like the idea of it. So one day, my felt tip liner from Lorac died. I decided it wasn’t worth it for me to go get a higher end liquid liner. So I just went to target and grabbed one that looked cute. (I’m a graphic designer, I do judge things by its cover).

I knew for sure that I wanted a liquid liner, that would stay put, and I’ve had the best luck with the felt tip. Bring in Covergirl’s Bombshell Intensity Eyeliner in Pitch Black Passion. I was reading some reviews, about how it’s dry, yadda yadda. However, they must have changed the formula, or I am lucky, because mine was wet. It dries quickly enough that it doesn’t get everywhere when you open your eyes but wet enough for you to get a moistened q-tip to clean up your lines.

As you can see, I’m a little uneven, but I really like it, because it’s dummy proof enough for me! I found myself putting it on every day since I’ve gotten it. Barely takes me any time at all! I wanted to share in case you had the same girl troubles I do!

Dukkha Crusted Pork Chops with Bacon Sprouts

9KL6QxF80VhuCNQV.jpgAnother recipe for the often asked question of, “What am I going to eat for dinner”. This one is great, because you can pick up the groceries after work, head to the kitchen and start cracking away at it.


Start off with pork chops. Dry them, then rub a little avocado oil on it (or oil of your choice that can cook at high temps)


Crust with Dukkha. I bought mine from trader joes. If you are fancy, you can make it yourself! Be fancy.


In a cast iron skillet, heat some avocado oil, then cook on both sides until done.


As a side, I went for Bacon sprouts. Cook bacon in a pan, remove bacon from pan and reserve the fat. Toss brussels sprouts in the hot pan with leftover bacon fat. Season with black pepper. Let it brown a little bit. Toss them on a cookie sheet then into the oven to finish. When it’s almost done stir in chopped cooked bacon. Serve with pork chops.

Again, no measurements. If you have questions feel free to contact me! ENJOY!


Sneak Peek: Engagement Photos


I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post these yet, since these are just snippets from Vina’s iPhone. I would also link her, but she has so many blogs I wouldn’t even know which one to link to. Maybe Vain Vina. Because I love her face.


I wanted her to do our photos because I love her style. She’s the multimedia maven for the EatGoodFood group. Her posts for the restaurants are so well composed, fun and well basically I feel like if she could make all this food look delicious…she could probably make us look good too?

JD3qYnAAt35G4UMD.jpgI don’t really like taking pictures. I feel awkward standing in front of a camera and posing. (There goes my modeling career right?) But I really wanted to capture our little family dynamic and have some good shots. She made us feel very comfortable, and we pretty much just did normal things and she just happened to capture them. WIN!


Bawse was a better sport than I thought he would be. Mostly because he was out playing and swimming and every once in a while he would have to come pretend he loved us.


I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures! Thank you again Vina!


Bacon Wrapped Mini Meat Loaves

NppaB7QE3A3u1tBi.jpg I don’t really eat meatloaf. But in order to feed the hungry men in my house and get them to eat vegetables there needs to be a substantial hunk of meat involved. This is my hunk of meat…wrapped in bacon.trjUe16aAvr1VyPM.jpg I took a pound and a half of lean ground beef, added a lightly beaten egg, some lawry’s, nature’s seasoning, tomato paste, A1, Italian breadcrumbs, a chopped onion and mixed it all together to a nice consistency.Vb643EVKd3MoxZ1l.jpg Then I shaped out mini loaves.Jb8OUbcSVfgSIAKA.jpg And browned all the sides in a pan.xl3OyfFk1RaNer4e.jpgThen wrapped it in bacon, stuck it in the oven until the bacon was crisp and the inside was cooked!

I made a side of spinach, sauteed in ghee and garlic slices, seasoned with a little black pepper, and mashed sweet potatoes. The end!

DryBar Georgetown


I am not cheating on my stylist. I promise. But I had a photoshoot, and my hair is in that awkward length that I don’t know how to deal with. So after hearing rave reviews about DryBar, I wanted to give it a shot!

This place is SUPER cute. I love the hints of yellow. It’s so cheery, bright, and happy. I booked the appointment online for me and Deana. We checked in, they offered us a beverage (I chose sparkling fruit punch, yum!) and waited until my stylist came to get me.EjfHVoDDwxrC4yRs.jpg

Here’s the deal. It’s not a full service salon. It’s just a place that washes, dries and styles your hair. So simple. I know you are like, I can do my own hair. Good for you, I can’t. Oh and by the way, it’s a professional. It’s $40 bucks, and you get to be pampered. I love it. 8fNMoebGsKwIHaP3.jpg

Amber came out, sat me down at her station. Asked me when the last time I washed my hair. After finding out its been awhile (I know I’m disgusting and busy) she offered a double wash. I chose the Mai Tai, which is a loose beachy wave. After I decided, we went to the other room for a glorious relaxing shampoo. The best part of any hair styling situation.k0LwkyPt4R0PPaLI.jpg

My greasy before, while Deana still looks stunning.cLqImQ2M6iFSgvh1.jpgAnd after!

The Drybar Georgetown
1825 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington, DC
(202) 609-8644