Evening Star for Brunch

I am back with another brunch recap! Saturday mornings, I wake up and immediately google brunches nearby. This time I landed on Evening Star in Del Ray. Super cute neighborhood, and they have a parking lot in the back. Love the decor and how the tiny space was set up.

I ordered the eggs benedict of course, and it came with a plate of vinegary greens. I also got a side of bacon, because that is just what I do.

The hash browns were awesome. The bacon was a little thin for my tastes, and the eggs benedict were cooked just right. My belly had a good time. Not to mention, stellar service. I was impressed that one of the guys there noticed our table was uneven and fixed it without us prompting him to.

I’d go back. But I would probably try something else. The vinegary greens made everything I taste like vinegar. Even a bite of his chicken and waffles!

Bistro Cacao for Brunch

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug Brunch Brunch Brunch. I am ADDICTED. Ever since Birch and Barley, I’ve been obsessed with getting brunch on weekends. I wake up demanding eggs benedict and threaten to hulk smash anything that will get in the way. Well, not really. But I think my new thing, is to eat as many classic eggs benedicts as possible from different places and write about it. Yeah. And MIEMOsas. yum.
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugSo Valentine’s day, the boo took me to Bistro Cacao. The outside looks like a row house on the Hill. We walk in greeted by a friendly fireplace and a crazy wine room. I loved the way it was laid out. Room after room of dining areas. The host seats us in a nook behind red drapes and 3 windows overlooking the street. Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugWhen it comes to brunch, I am still pretty new. The only brunch I’m familiar with is Dim Sum. So it was my first time having a classic eggs benedict and it was amazing. I am smitten. Quite smitten actually. But lets not get ahead of ourselves. Like most places that host a brunch, its a fixed menu that you get to choose items from. All come with a starter mixed pastries basket. This was my favorite from the basket. Nutella. Yum.
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugMy food. So delicious. So happy. These eggs benedict changed my life. The challenge is to find something like this every weekend. I accept. I would definitely want to brunch there again!

Over all the bistro was GREAT. I’d love to try their dinner menu. If I do, I’ll definitely let you know 😉

Kazaxe: Extreme Dance Workout

by azukabom, on Flickr

Okay. I think I am super late. A lot of my girlfriends already have had a taste of this dance fever. And I am just now getting into it. I’ve always been lucky to have the body I do, given the way I eat. I hate working out. I don’t know what to do. Like really…me going to the gym, is me running on a treadmill trying not to sing out loud to my iPod.

I’ve tried all the ways, joined a gym, took classes…then I realized, I liked coming home to cook, more than going to a gym and only having time to eat something less fulfilling later. I am terrible. But as I get older, I actually FEEL older. My body aches. My skin is doing weird things, my hair lacks luster and I just don’t feel good. Then again, I am writing this as I am getting over a virus and allergies are in full swing. So my body just feels yucky.

My ride or die chick, who pretty much gyms it every day, conscious of what shes eating and never obnoxious about it, who does successful healthy cleanses, suggested I try out kazaxe. What? Karate with an ax? I did hear about it before but never really took the time to look into it. When Vitya suggested it, it was more motivating, because like the doll she is, she said she would do it with me AND drive me there. How could I say no right?

I’m hooked. I had my first class and bought a keytag. It is sooooo much fun. I get a little awkward when it comes to dancing all  “club sexy”, but the lights are dim, there’s a bajillion other people there and no one is pay attention to anything but the stage, so we’re clear. It’s a mix of dancehall reggae, hip hop, latin, and even some pacific island style dancing…specifically tinikling.

Also, the instructor/creator Asuka, is so positive and upbeat. She’s beautiful, she’s fun, and I secretly want to be her best friend. If you are confident enough, you can join her on stage and dance. Which is probably more room than on the main floor since this is so popular it can get cramped. But everyone is so friendly, you don’t have to worry about getting punched in the face for accidentally stepping on someone’s shoes…like in a club.

Check it out!

The Cajun Experience

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug
…not really. Out of all the cajun restaurants I’ve been to in DC, looking for a taste of home, this was my first disappointment. After coming down from my personal mardi gras 2012 party, I was having high hopes for a professionally done Mardi Gras dinner. I was looking for the Cajun Experience, pun intended.

Lets start off with the food, because that, to me, is always where we should start! I love food. Instead of offering their regular menu tonight (which is what I was hoping for), everyone was getting the buffet. The place was set up nicely, and had a great, fun zydeco band with a tiny dance space available if you wanted to get down. I did enjoy the vibe and I like the space.

Abita beer was unlimited that night, which was awesome considering the $45 price tag. The food however was sub-par. I really expected better, but I won’t be too harsh, since it was massed produced for the crowd. There was a variety of traditional cajun entrees, gumbo, jambalaya, etouffee..and mac and cheese and hushpuppies. The jambalaya tasted like tomato sauce from a jar with sausages thrown in. There was no hit of cajun spices. The  etouffee was good, I prefer my cajun dishes a lot spicier, but I understand that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. However there were no spices on the table to help it out. You were confined to your styrofoam divider plate and your plastic cups.

Needless to say, I only had one plate, and spent the night enjoying the music, and my company and $45+ worth of delicious abita beer. I also felt overlooked as a customer. Our server was very sweet, could be a little more attentive, but nothing blatantly wrong with the service. The guy who might have been to the manager seemed to talk to every table and dropping off goodies such as masks, and  drink cozies, and didn’t even make eye contact or attempt to say hello to our table… but made a point to say hello to the surrounding tables. Make note that I wasn’t even in a corner table. And no, I wasn’t a quiet mousey, no eye contact patron either. I joked with the table next to us, clapped and cheered to the live band and was trying to make it a good experience. Overall it was not.

I will give it another shot on a regular day, their brunch menu sounds awesome. But I won’t be attending their Mardi Gras party again in the future.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

First off, let me just say, I have amazing girlfriends. Growing up a tomboy with brothers, you might be quick to assume that, “she doesn’t get along with girls, girls don’t like her, she only has guy friends.” This is an urban legend people. Never trust a girl who doesn’t have at least one good girlfriend. Something is wrong with her if she doesn’t. And probably has something to do with men. That being said, we try to have a girl’s night at least once a month…but it always happens a few more times than that.


This weekend was the Legwarmers concert. This is my second time attending, first time in the winter. But that didn’t stop us from dancing the night away, singing along and sweating out our side ponytails. I love the 80s and this is a super fun concert for those that like to dress up in their best flash dance outfits, hairband costumes and step back in time.

One of their band members is leaving, so it was his farewell performance. They are actually auditioning for a new band member. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?! How fun would it be to tour singing 80s pop songs?! If only…


I had a great time, however, I do think I enjoy it more in the summer. Costumes where you don’t have to worry about warmth is always a winner. This makes me want to throw an 80s themed party…but Mardi Gras is coming up. If you can, definitely find your way to a Legwarmers show. I will!

Rockin’ that new year

My first New Year’s Eve, out in the city… and it was exactly like this picture. A happy, glittery blur. I got to spend it with people I love and it was the most dancing I’ve done all year. It might have to do with the no dress code policy at Rock n Roll Hotel. Red chucks and a red dress guaranteed booty shaking and heel toeing all night.  Continue reading

Trombone Shorty @ 930 Club

Trombone Shorty
(via flickr)

Last week I had the pleasure of getting my awkward sway on to the musical stylings of Trombone Shorty at 930 Club. A much needed break from all the moving and unpacking and working. I had a great time, the jazz crowd was mostly older manther/cougars who were mellow. Since I give myself a two drink limit during the week, I did get annoyed at drunk smelly early 20s girls who pushed pass me without saying excuse me. Then they stop right in front of me and start dancing off beat. Those of you that know me, know I have an XL space bubble and I had to move because I was too sober to put up with their drunken stupor.

Other than that I had a lot of fun and appreciated the break. Also, it made me miss New Orleans, which means I need to attend Jazz fest to see him perform there…but I hate large crowds. What a predicament!