Sleep Cycles Part Deux

So remember when I wrote this post about waking up during your light sleep cycle so that you don’t mess up your whole day? Well I really liked waking up like that. I just made my whole day better. So to aid with that, I tested out this app called Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock.

You stick it under your sheet and through the phone’s accelerometer it measures when you are in which sleep cycle. Crazy I know. I don’t believe it either, but it gives you charts and stuff when you wake up. I tried this out for a week and here’s what I think.

I spend a lot of time in bed and I get enough sleep… Lately. This is all for the new year. If it was tracking and experimenting during the macaron rush, it would probably tell me to go to sleep more.

I do notice that I wake up maybe a minute or two, before the cycle timer makes me wake up. However I do enjoy my morning tea in the quiet. I do feel a lot more refreshed and make it through the day longer without naps and I’m pretty happy with this system of sleeping!


Chicken Divan


You might be surprised to know I’m not the only cook in the house. My honey also enjoys cooking, I just don’t let him in my kitchen often. But there are some days where I don’t want to cook, and thats when he gets to shine. One of his favorites to make, that can be done after work is his grandmother’s Chicken Divan.


His Chicken Divan

3 boneless chicken breasts
1 can cream of chicken
1 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp curry powder (optional)
1 lb bag of shredded cheddar
1 lb of frozen broccoli or 2 large fresh crowns chopped
French bread/baguette

Pre heat oven to 350F.
Bring a pot of water big enough to cover the chicken breast to boil. Add chicken breast. Boil until chicken is cooked. In a small bowl mix mayonnaise, cream of chicken and curry powder until thoroughly incorporated. Boil broccoli until slightly tender. Drain.

In a baking pan (9×13) shred the chicken and spread evenly. Layer the broccoli on top of the chicken. Pour mayonnaise mixture over the pan and spread evenly. Then top with desired amount of cheese, or whole bag! Bake for 25-30 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes, cut and enjoy with bread!

Sorry there’s no finished picture. He hasn’t made it in awhile for me to take pics!

Happy New Year!

Hello 2014! Nope, I didn’t do a post with the highlights of the year. Nor did I share my goals. I do have a list though. And I’ve cleaned up the site a bit. But for now, I am enjoying the time off and really think about what needs to be done for 2014.

People love making resolutions, its just human nature. A new year brings a fresh start. The door closed on all bad things from the previous year and it gives hope for a better one. I’m not going to tell you that your resolutions are dumb, or post memes about the gym being full. Just remember to be realistic and make achievable goals

Life is going to be different this year for me for sure. My little brother is moving in with us, so life at home could become a sitcom. 3 people and pitbull in a condo. I will be working on my cookbook, adding another post a week here, and figuring out where to take my macarons! I hope to travel a little more, and I’m keeping a journal for my future daughter.

After realizing that I don’t know my parents marriage story, or what it was like for my mom to find out she was pregnant and what her pregnancy was like, it made me sad. What if I don’t make it to go through those things with my future daughter? I have two strikes against me already with cancer. As much as I want to be around, you never know. So hopefully my journals will help my kid in the future.

I wish you all the best in 2014! And hope you continue to join me in my journey of life here!

<3 Miemo


Vertigo is Real and it SUCKS

Last Sunday, I woke up dizzy, and it went away quickly, so I didn’t think anything of it. I usually have low blood pressure, so I know that if I get up too quickly, I could faint/black out. I went about my day as normal, nothing seemed wrong.

Monday morning (the week of Christmas) I woke up dizzy again. Hmm, two days in a row. I waited a little bit because I thought it would go away. WRONG. I could barely stand, and I was so dizzy that I started puking. A lot. The honey had to give me crackers and no position would make my world stop spinning. So we went to urgent care.

They gave mea  shot in my butt, gave me some antivert and sent me on my way. The doctor told me it was vertigo, and that it should be over in 3 days. Lies. It has been a week, and I spent my entire Christmas break dizzy. It has gotten better, but I still can’t do things I normally do without the world spinning and making me nauseated (but I haven’t puked since before urgent care).

I’ve been doing some vertigo exercises before bed, and it’s been helping with resetting my internal balance so that I could sleep like a normal human (not propped up in a sitting position like I did before we started the exercises). I know some people who have it and live with it. I could not have imagined living like this. The urgent care doctor told me that our bodies are “silly” sometimes and things like this happen. I am way too busy, to live my life like this. The honey is scared it may be something bigger, so he is scheduling an appointment with a neurologist. I hope it’s nothing, and will clear up soon. Not looking forward to start 2014 in a dizzy haze 🙁

Thank you for your Support!

Wow! I can't thank everyone enough, for coming out in the yucky weather Saturday to support my market debut! I sold out!

Yelp hosted a wonderful event and it was so nice to see and support local small businesses. Since it was such a success, I might even consider doing another market and expanding my macaron clientele. Exciting flavors and things to come next year! Stay warm everyone!





Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break! I know I did. I love being surrounded by family and friends. I usually see them, but around the holidays it makes it more special because then our out of towners come in and its all warm and fuzzy!

I've been super busy making macarons and decorating holiday boxes. I've had such great feedback that I can no longer take orders for the holiday boxes! But if you missed out, I will be selling at Yelp's Total Bazaar Holiday Market at Monroe Street Market. December 14th, from 12-4!


My Macaron Equipment

Some of you wonder what I use to make macarons at home. Thanks for asking! There are always plenty of choices when it comes to kitchen stuff, and I LOVE having a kitchen full of a gadgets. You don’t necessarily need to use EXACTLY what I use, for example, I used a standmixer, but you could do the same with a handmixer. You’d just have one less hand to use to prep! All product links are from amazon. If you purchase them from here, I get a small percentage to help keep the site running, but please don’t feel obligated to use my links. I just like to recommend products I trust and use regularly.

Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer: This is the best kitchen investment I’ve had. This thing has been with me through countless breads, cakes, cookies, frostings. Not to mention, freshly ground meat and making my own sausages. And now its helping me make macarons. Having the extra hand to whisk egg whites while I prep other ingredients is very helpful in time management.

Kitchen Scale: Macarons are so temperamental, especially if you use the classic french method. The best way to even out the playing field (sometimes humidity is a factor you can’t control) I prefer measuring ingredients in weight. Volume can vary because of the space in the measuring cup (clumped ingredients, or sifted, etc) but weight will always give you the same amount.

Silpats: There are other silicones out there (trust me, I’ve used two other types which were gifts) and they don’t always work like Silpats. I’m not usually a brand snob, but since feet are so crucial to macarons I have to only use these.

Chicago Half Sheet Baking Pans: These perfectly fit the silpats. I had other cookie sheets in bigger sizes, but these are the sized perfectly for the baking mat and helps keeps my kitchen efficient.

Piping Bags: 18 inches gives me enough space to fill a whole batch of macarons with one fill.

Large Decorating Tip: I use this for the circles and the filling

Spice and Nut Grinder: Sometimes I’m just too lazy to use the food processor or the vitamix, and this works with less clean up. But then it makes me wonder why I have SO many kitchen gadgets!

Fine Mesh Sieve: Use this to make sure all ingredients are smooth and light. Very crucial in making sure your shells have feet!

Bowls: I don’t need to link to bowls I am sure you have plenty!


Are you guys using anything different? Let me know!


Sleep Cycles


This week I’ve been trying a new thing. Not waking up with my alarm. I mean it’s set, but instead of being jolted awake by an alarm, and waking up cranky and unmotivated I tried something new. I read about sleep cycles and how they work, and decided to test it out for myself. And so far it’s worked!


Basically when you sleep there are 3 stages. Transition to sleep, light sleep then the much needed deep sleep. This is when your blood flows away from your brain and restores your body and your physical energy. Then there is also REM sleep which is when you dream and your arms and legs are paralyzed.


The theory is, if you get waken up in stage 3, it just ruins your morning…at least for me. I’m am a horror to deal with if I get woken up. Some of you are morning people, and that might be because you are waking up at the end of the deep sleep cycle so you feel more energized.

Any who. I’ve been just staying awake whenever my body wakes up. One day it was 4:45, the next it was 5:31 and then yesterday it was 4am. Cycles are usually 90 minutes long so I really think my body is running it’s cycle and I should just stay up if I don’t have time to sleep another cycle. It’s worked. I get up, have some tea, check on stuff, get ready, walk Bawse. I feel less rushed in the morning, and I’m not tired during the day!

If you would like to read more from the article that I got my information from click here!

Holiday Macarons

I don’t know if you can tell from my instagram, but I’m obsessed with making macarons! I’ve actually started putting together holiday gift boxes for people to purchase and give to their friends this holiday season.

Can I tell you a secret? I like making these a lot more than cupcakes. I guess because they are so tedious to make, that when they turn out well, with their little feet, I get joy! Instant gratification. I officially am not taking cupcake orders. I’ll still make some here and there for my friends who love my creative cupcakes, but none of this making it a side hustle thing. I don’t even think I make them that well.

But macarons. Yup. They are so colorful and you can make so many different combinations, plus they can be intimidating to make, so people are more than likely buy them, than make them themselves. I was addicted. I didn’t like them at first, but after my third try, I’m like MAN, I love macarons. After spending $2+ on each, I realized I had an expensive addiction. Then came the idea to make them myself. I'm pretty good in the kitchen, why not?

And now I have a running list of flavors I need to make, and request for orders. I love it. To introduce my skills for hire, I've put out an online order form. It's currently only for local orders so if you are interested, please email me at I am only doing holiday flavors for the rest of the year though.

The flavors that come in my assorted boxes are gingerbread, hot cocoa and candy cane!

**The gorgeous photography by Camille Beatrice, the random low budget picture by me via instagram


DogVacay and Movember

So I’ve already told about Bawse still goes to his daycare through them every week! He loves Kelly, and they love him. It’s a great break for him in the middle of the week. Well this month is “movember” and I wanted to share this funny picture of Bawse and I. Him being my mustache of course.

In celebration of this month DogVacay asked me to spotlight Bawse! For those of you who don’t already know. Bawse is an 11 month old American Pitbull Terrier. He is a blue brindle color with a heart of gold. He’s mischievous, silly, curious and listens… for the most part. He is our fur child and we wouldn’t have it any other way! He’s completed all 3 levels of training at Petsmart, and is potty and crate trained. He loves his marrow bones, and squeaky balls. We are still working on how excited he gets when people walk through the door, but give him some time, and he’ll get it. He also loves to share his toys with you, so please expect him to try to hand you a ball as soon as you walk through the door. If you let him he will attack you with kisses and won’t stop until you’re face is raw, so don’t say yes if you don’t mean it!

How’s that for a dating profile on my pup huh?