Yelp’s Jet Set Fete


In the 3 years that I have started this blog, I’ve been invited to many, many great food events. From huge events filled with local restaurants, to private charity events, to soft openings of new restaurants this little blog has tasted a lot. And I am so thankful for the opportunities to eat, meet and engage with awesome food enthused people!


Last night I attended Yelp’s Jet Set Fete, which was an event to benefit the DC Central Kitchen, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing hunger with recycled food, training unemployed adults for culinary careers, serving healthy school meals, and rebuilding urban food systems through social enterprise.


The theme of the event was retro-chic vintage, exotic travel. It had cultural demonstrations from China, Japan and Indonesia to name a few. That combined with a plethora of food and drinks from local vendors, I forget that I am there for a good cause and just there for a good time!


Aside from the food, music, and flowing drinks, there was something for everyone. If you wanted a more mellow night, the other side included, painting, manicures, massages, and tarot card readings.


I definitely recommend any yelp events that YelpDC hosts. Its a guaranteed good time!



Dining away Duchenne


Last week I attended a fundraiser for The Foundation to Eradicate Duchenne. The event had restaurants from the local area and raffles and silent auctions to raise money and awareness for the disease. I was there representing Chef Seng and Thip Khao.



There was so much good food there. It was a really nice event, AND I got to meet Chef David Guas. WHAT. I love my life. He’s very friendly, and a lot shorter in person than I imagined.


Highlight of the night? Bacon cotton candy. My life is awesome.

After Vacation

Rose Island, what has become our private island


This vacation did its job. I was gone for a perfect amount of time. Away from the computer or my ipad (seriously, I didn’t turn it on ONCE, not even on the plane). Yeah I was on instagram, and answering personal emails on my phone, but no work, no blog, nothing that I “had” to do. It was great.



We had no real plans, no strain or pressure to be anywhere. It was relaxing. I brought three books. I finished two, and started another one on the plane. I really wanted to just read, which is why I intentionally didn’t bring headphones either. This vacation has made me realize, that the perfect amount of vacation for me is 5 days, 4 nights. Anymore than that will be overkill for me. I would start to worry about all the work piling up, and how to deal with it all.



The two hour trip to the Bahamas makes it well worth the 5 days off of working. But if travel time is longer, then of course I’d adjust the days off. Now that I am back I realize, I have got a lot of little things to do, to get my life back to regular function mode. Mostly…cooking, cleaning and the dreaded. LAUNDRY.

Where he proposed earlier this year.


But I am happy to be back. Still a little crispy, because I forgot to bring a hat, but I am hoping it will mellow out a bit. This tan will need to last me until next summer. I didn’t really want to do a recap, because I literally did nothing, or the same thing as the last time I went, but I just wanted to stick my happy pictures in there.


bJLYMdQJUd3IpFfz.jpgMy husband seemed to have a great time for his birthday and that is what matters to me!

The view is unreal.


And now…back to reality.

Up close and personal
The view from our hotel room

Chef Shadow


Not too long ago, I was given the opportunity to work with Chef Seng on a private event. It was a meal for 20 people. It was an engagement party, and the bride used to teach English in Laos, and LOVES Chef Seng and her restaurant.


It was a really great learning experience for me. Watching how a chef runs her kitchen with a staff, versus me cooking alone. I definitely learned a lot, and enjoyed myself, but it does reaffirm my idea of me NOT wanting to own my own restaurant. I would like to do private chef cooking, or catering, but there is a lot that goes into owning a restaurant that I don’t see myself doing anytime soon.


You put a lot of yourself on the line, and on a time restraint. We are lucky that the Chef loves it so much, because she blesses our bellies with her culinary creations. I’ll stick to catering parties, making dinners, and cooking for my cookbook and blog!

End of Summer Vacation


Its our last big trip of the year. Fall and winter is time to focus, and stay home and be cozy. I can’t believe I was here 6 months ago, and now we are going back. I love it. Bahamas has become our special place.

This time we opted for NO rental car (its too confusing to drive there, we almost died last time) and we are staying on Paradise Island. This is because we ended up driving there everyday last time so this time we might as well just stay there. I’m excited to go back to the island and gets some R&R.

Then when I get back, I will buckle down and start a cooking schedule. Let’s do work son!

Are you guys having any end of summer last trips?


tpaQ9F814yu2Neg2.jpgOur lives are constantly on the go. The other day, my neighbor told me she feels like she should be going out and doing more things. Because she says we are always traveling somewhere, doing something, and it makes her feel like she should be more active.


Yes and no. Yes we are always on the go, much to the chagrin of my husband, who probably doesn’t want to do all the things I invite him to do, but does because he’s a good sport. I don’t know why I can’t sit still. I have so many books that I need to sit and read, but I feel like I’m wasting time if I’m not productive at all costs. But no, we aren’t ALWAYS on the go. For example there was a whole week of no after work plans (during restaurant week at that! Who are we?!) and we just did a puzzle.


Yep. A puzzle. We were at the book store the other day, and I saw puzzles, and I was like. I like puzzles, and I haven’t done one in a long time. Let’s do a puzzle honey! And we did. We chose New Orleans 1000 pieces as our first puzzle. What are we going to do with it? Glue it? Frame it? I don’t know. That seems so permanent. What if I wanted to do it again? Also, I plan to do more, so all these puzzles will take up more spaces than I would like in our house. Our tiny little condo. Inhabited by a giant puppy.


What would you do?

Kalbi Cookoff


The other day, we had our friends Bear and Bona over. The Husband and Bear each made their own kalbi recipe and they “competed” on seeing who’s was better.


Turns out, their marinade was very similar and everyone liked everything. Along with those lateral cut beef ribs, we marinated flank steak (cut for fajitas) in a bottle of bulgogi mix. For sides we had spice cucumbers and korean potato salad. My contributions to the cook off.

What’s your favorite cookout recipe?

Road trip: Louisville, Kentucky



It is amazing how different each state is. As I do more travel on the ground, I realize that there are so many things to see on the road. RsdSojLwIetMTzwY.jpg

Friday, Vitya and I, my favorite road warrior (our relationship was built on crazy road trips, hence our “ride or die” motto) got in our rental car and drove the windy roads and mountains a couple states over to Kentucky.UEVFdFSXvTWSLw4m.jpg

I have never ever set foot in that state. EVER. I had no idea what to expect. I know I was super excited to see my friend Josh again and meet his fiancee, whom I’ve become internet friends with, IN REAL LIFE. Quick side story, on a related note:


Josh and I met at the How Design conference which took place in Austin, TX in 2009. It was my first time traveling alone for work in a new city. My company only sent me, and he was also the lone ranger from his company, Pizza Today. We sat next to each other at a talk and pretty much became instant BFFs. Michael Jackson dying that day bonded us forever. Oh, and he made sure I didn’t get murdered.


We stayed in touch these past 5 years, and in that time, he bought a a super cute house (with his now fiancee), added more animals to his posse, and proposed to the woman he had just started dating before we met. Tyann. We finally got to meet her after corresponding through social media. And a failed attempt at the Derby in 2012 (where we ended up in Myrtle Beach instead).



We love Tyann. So much. It’s ridiculous. Poor Josh. It definitely turned into a girls trip. We’ll bring our men next time! I promise. He was definitely a good sport, and tried to blend in with us. See how he has a margarita while we all had beers?


It was a short trip, but filled with good food and good times. Details on that later. But if you have a chance, spend a couple days in Louisville!



Best of Washington


I have a new favorite event. Its the Best of Washington, by Washingtonian magazine. The price per ticket is pricey. But well worth it. All you can eat from the best restaurants in DC? All you can drink? SWAG, photobooths, entertainment? Can I go every year? I was there working the event, but we took turns exploring. There are no more words to say, it was just magical. So here are pictures.




tqXX9oJvu5tcHOKk.jpgThis year’s theme was Alice in Wonderland. Drink the magic potion…and shrink. At least that is what they hope you will think when you get drunk enough. I was working with Chef Seng, promoting both her current restaurant and her upcoming restaurant. I had a wonderful evening with the girl power team of the newly nicknamed, BK GOLDEN GIRLS. Kinda like the Bond girls for her restaurant. HA! I can’t wait to go back next year, either with the restaurant or on my own will!


Cool Cow Comedy


We went to the old Lorton prison to see a comedy show. When the husband checked in to “Lorton Prison” on facebook, it caused quite a stir to those not familiar with what happened to the prison…It’s no longer functioning as a prison. Its an arts center now. Crazy right? Bmyd9Vg1ApozoQmF.jpg

It’s still got a prison feel to it. There are still some sections of windows with the glass all broken, yellowed and creepy. I kind of prefer it that way. Maybe because I am addicted to Orange is the New Black, and feel like I’m visiting them.rljk937FEkM1vM7N.jpg

We went to see Ryan Conner. Who I didn’t realize until he actually came out and told a joke about his mixed race family…that I knew once upon a time… and actually helped me move once. tqsmuJfyjEr95BbG.jpg

The interiors of the prison really has transformed to a nice art space. Not that I would know what the original interiors looked like…E06dDiXUDqYeWUHG.jpgOh look a bar in prison!

The show consisted of three comedians. The MC, who told a few jokes of his own. An awkward guy from Brooklyn. And the main event Ryan Conner. He was actually recording his CD there tonight, so there were microphones set up, and we were the laughs!

I thought this was a cool little event, and the production company that runs it, hosts a show every month, for a reasonable price. A nice little date night idea for the summer!

Check it out: Cool Cow Comedy