Burgers: The Works

I wish burgers were healthy, and good for you. I like eating them, a lot. As seen here, here, and here. So of course when I visit Ottowa, I had at least two kinds of burgers.

The Works is a chain, they call themselves a gourmet burger bistro. I can see that. There are A LOT, and I mean a lot of things to choose from, to build your ultimate burger. First you choose your patty, Gourmet Ground Beef, Whole Chicken Breast, Ground Turkey, Gourmet Veggie, Portobello Mushroom Cap, or Lean Domestic Elk. Then you choose what KIND of burger and toppings you want. There are 71 combinations. After that you choose your sides.

We started off with 3 towers of onion rings. They came with 4 different dipping sauces, some spicy, some creamy, some tomatoey and some all of the above. I don’t like onion rings in general because they usually slide out of the crispy crust, and I don’t like onions enough to eat it straight up like that. But these didn’t do that. They were the best onion rings, I’ve had in my life. That’s not saying much though, I haven’t had that many. But it was good!

I’m pretty boring when it comes to burgers, so how fitting that my choice in burger was called “Ho Hum #5”. It was mushrooms, cheddar and bacon. I also got a classic poutine as my side. I was pretty full already full from the onion rings, and my pyrex measuring cup full of ginger ale (yes they use measuring cups as their mugs). The burger was just a plain patty with no seasoning. It was dependent on the sauce and toppings you chose. Verdict? I’ve had better. 


The last time I went to Canada, I think I was 16. My mom and I took a road trip together, for me to learn how to read a map to get to my destination, and also for me to be comfortable driving long distances in places I don't know. This was clearly before mapquest, google maps, and apps! We went to Toronto and Niagra Falls.

This time around, the boo and I took a road trip to Ottowa. It was a much needed reunion, and a great one! I had an amazing time, full of love, laughs, food and family. I also got to peek in on their culture and learn a few fun things.

  • They have pretty colorful money
  • Their single dollar is a coin called a loonie
  • They have a two dollar coin called a toonie
  • “Eh” and how they pronounce about …is really like the movies/tv
  • They don't use pennies
  • There are higher taxes on alcohol, this makes sense because of their universal healthcare system. If you are going to drink, you are going to cost the government more, so they will tax you more!
  • They created hockey
  • Tim Horton was a hockey player… He would.

Tim Horton's is awesome. I love it. They have cookies. They have timbits, and they have XXS. What's up with all these giant smalls in America. This is why we are fat. The first thing we did when we crossed the border was drive through a Tim Horton's for some french vanilla coffee. *sigh. Other than my family, this is what I will miss the most.

The weekend consisted of eating out, bbqing, walks on the beach, catching up and photo ops with Avairy. There was happy news of engagement, and brainstorming bachelorette shenanigans. We've decided to do this every summer, so that our future children can have each other as they grow too! I can't wait to see them again next year…because clearly I can ONLY go to Canada in the summer.




I spent a few days in Ottowa, Canada this past weekend. It was a well deserved weekend getaway. Spent time with my cousins, who I haven’t seen in forever, and got to play with the not-so-new additions. P.S. My niece Avairy is the cutest baby in the world. Believe me. And she has a great personality.

Like usual I will break it all down in a couple of posts, and of course my first post is about food. I couldn’t go to Canada and not have poutine. What kind of food blogger would I be? So yeah, I had two different kinds of classic poutine while I was there.

This is something I will crave here. Delicious hot gravy, and melty cheese curds over crisp fries. Oh yes. However, I can only eat them when they first come out. Soggy is not a texture of my preference. If I were to make this at home…which I will probably try to one day if I miss it that much. I would probably have to dip my fries into a curd filled gravy. OH or maybe I’ll try it with TOTS! Sorry Canada for thinking of ways to bastardize your already delicious concoction.

My Road Trip Bag

Road trip

I’m excited for my upcoming road trip to Canada. I haven’t seen my cousin AMY in forever, and even though we’ve been physically apart forever, I love talking to her every day. It’s like we aren’t that far. Its going to be a 10 hour drive (I know, crazy). So I definitely need to be prepared.

I’ve been planning what to wear, and what to bring for the ride up there. And here’s what I got so far. Tom’s for easy slip on slip off in the car if I wanna air out my toes. A chambray shirt to wear over my tee if the AC is too cold. And jeans because that’s comfortable for me. I have to have a purse separate from my weekend bag, so that I can keep things in it to keep me entertained.

Travel Purse

I will probably be sleeping if I am not driving. The ipad will be loaded up with my magazines. The iphone will probably play music and be our gps. Gotta have a charger for both! Pen and journal for any notes or sketches I want to remember along the way. And lip stuff because that air conditioned car will wear you out!

What do you need to keep on hand on your road trips?!

Life with Bawse: Big boy!

It's been awhile since I've updated on our little guy. Who is enormous by the way. He is 7 months now and well over 50lbs. According to all the extra skin that he still has to grow into, I fear he is going to be HUGE. My fear doesn't come from thinking he will be a big guy to control, but a big baby who wants to cuddle and plop down in my lap because he still think he's 3 pounds.

He's made quite a few friends already. He is a very social and friendly pup, to both humans and animals. He gets really sad when he can't play with everyone. I don't think he realizes hes a giant. Whenever Theodore (my hamster) comes out to eat, he runs up to the cage and cries, then looks at me wagging his tail because he wants to play…or eat him. Who knows for sure 😉

We have come to learn the following in these past 7 months.
1. He has sensitive skin. He scabs and scars very easily.
2. He has a weak tummy. Like seriously, he can't eat everything and I have to closely monitor what kinds of treats and food he consumes. He can eat kale though! And peanut butter. But he definitely needs a more balanced diet, and not so protein heavy like blue buffalo.
3. He is submissive. He's very gentle and loving. If small dogs, or big dogs that he plays with get aggressive, he rolls over onto his back into a submissive position. Don't get me wrong, he's protective of us. But he doesn't start fights or egg them on. I'd rather have a submissive pitbull than an aggressive one any day.
4. He has to greet us both before doing anything else. Every morning when we get him up for a walk, he has to come by and greet both of us before he does anything else. So polite.

He's hanging out with his little buddies Buggie (10lb min pin) and Killer (5 lb yorkie) this week. Should be interesting. He forgets how big he is and sometimes the little ones get trampled if they are running for the same toy. It's funny watching them punk him. I love my big baby.


Projects: DIY TMNT Plush Keychains

So, it is known that I love the teenage mutant ninja turtles. I’ve got everything. Tshirts, cups, mugs, toys, stuffed monster truck, water bottles, coloring books, shotglasses…you get it. Well I got a new car, and I wanted to hang a Raphael head from it.

But I didn’t want to spend like $25 on etsy for a head that its going to get gross from hanging outside of my car. So I made one myself.

This is a pretty big deal, considering that, though artsy, I’m not really crafty. I like the idea of it, but my execution…nonexistent. Sorry pinterest. But one day I just headed to Michaels, grabbed some felt sheets, and some stuffing and had at it. Not bad if I do say so myself!

**Trying out this new embedding through instagram thing. Not sure how I feel about it yet.

The “Cronut”

By now, you've probably heard about how crazy people are getting about a doughnut made out of croissant dough. Vina sent me the bat signal one sunny Saturday morning, and I was on the move. Society Fair was going to start selling “cronuts” at 9am. Limit one per customer. (I put them in quotes, because they are croissant doughnuts, not THE CRONUT as trademarked by Chef Dominique Ansel, drama.)

I got dressed, and we got there around 915am. There was about 5 left after we took our two. Yes, it was THAT serious.

My thoughts

I didn't know what to expect. I know what to expect from a doughnut (I'm addicted to Krispy Kremes) and I know what to expect (maybe too highly) from a croissant. BUT A CROissantdoughNUT what?? Mind blown. You should definitely try one out yourself if doughnuts are your thing. But not if croissants is your thing. Because this is more doughnut than croissant. Imaging deep fried flaky layers in a glaze. The layers were crisp. The flavor gave you that comforting doughnut feel.

I liked it a lot, it was good. But like with all the hyped things in this world, I am usually skeptical at first. I don't think I would wait in a 40 block line for it. But I know I will crave it. Just with like with Bon chon, and macarons, it took me a couple of tries because when people tell me how good something is, I think it makes me more disappointed. I'm expecting it to be as good as riding a unicorn through the clouds and jumping rainbows.

I would definitely still eat it if it was readily available! Great job Society Fair!


Exotic Fruits

It was one of those great weeks, where the exotic fruits are in season and on sale at the local ethnic grocery stores. By the way, if you aren't hip to those, hop to it. They have the best, freshest cheapest produce. Worth the drive if you aren't around the corner from it. I had longans, lychees and rambutans. HEAVEN. I remember when my mom and I used to road trip to Toronto, Canada, and spend a few days there filling our bellies with these delicious fruits. Mostly because back then, it wasn't as readily available here as it is now.

Image from Shopping Blog

Have any of you watched Ugly Betty? Remember when Adriana Lima was doing a photoshoot and she really loved her tico berries? Well those of you who know what rambutans are probably were like. WTF. Those aren't tico berries. They are rambutans?! Well it was just the rambutan's acting debut. Tico berries are a fictional character.

Lychees have become a little more mainstream. At some Asian Fusion restaurants, you can find them in cocktails, heck I've even had a lychee vodka bottle laying around the house. I usually get these in a can to snack on, but nothing beats the fresh ones! I have no idea how to pick them out, luckily they already came in a sack. I thought they wouldn't be sweet because they are green, but it still tasted the same!

And last but not least the longan. These remind me of my mom the most because it was one of her favorites. We would buy pounds of them. And I can remember the little brown seeds scattered on napkins around the house. Then my dad yelling at me to pick them up (even though it was my mom's mess). I love these. There's a sweet satisfaction when you bite into it, that quick pop, then a gush of sweetness that just brings back happy summer memories!

What other crazy fruits have you had?


Emerald in the Woods

 Our friends came up to visit this past weekend, and they wanted to go “camping”. The boo and I were like, alright! We have a 3 bedroom tent, let’s do this. But then other people in the group made the requirement of…running water and electricity. WOMP. So somehow we ended up in a beautiful log cabin (mansion) in the woods. Definitely check out Emerald in the Woods. It’s spectacular.

 This place could sleep I believe up to 20 people, but there was only 10 of us. We brought enough food for the week..but we only stayed two nights. It was fully equipped. TV, WiFi, game room with air hockey, hammock, grill, wrap around porch, giant kitchen, two car garage, 4 full bathrooms. This place was stocked. Linens, towels, toilet paper, everything was included. Basically we were in a luxury hotel in the woods with no made service.


We were definitely not “camping”. It was a weekend getaway, wrapped in the silence of the woods and dark lit sky of stars. I had a great time cooking in that kitchen, and have big meals together with our friends around the dining table. We ended our last night there around a campfire, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores.

I really enjoyed the peace and quiet and not having to think about my “fast paced” life at home. But now its Monday and we are back on the grind!!!

Bye Bye Coupe


Well this is a little bittersweet. Let’s take a trip down memory lane. I just graduated college. It was time to get a big girl car, on my own. I decided on a brand new 2008 altima coupe. First of it’s kind in 2007. I had to have it ordered and delivered to the dealership because I wanted a 6 speed manual.

It was my first loan. My literal freedom. No using parent’s car or insurance, I was solo. Accompanied by my first apartment with NO roommates. I was kind of kicking butt at life after college. At least I thought so. Now that I’m older, I am ready to ditch the couple life and open up to the comfort of 4 doors, or 5 doors since my new car will be a hatch, otherwise known as a wagon.

WHAT. I ditch a sporty coupe…for a wagon?! It’s not as lame as you think, trust me. The new car is going to be fast, yet super safe and dependable. I LOVE IT and I can’t wait until it gets here. I had to order this one too, because I wanted a 6 speed hatchback and there are none around here that I could find already on the lot.  I won’t go into detail about it though.

So why is it bittersweet? Well basically the car was around when my mom was around. She went with me to get it blessed. She worked at the dealership that I bought it from. And I just guess I feel like I am losing another piece of her, as I slowly move forward with my life. No longer in the apartment that she’s been to. No long have the hair that she’s touched (I chopped it all off and donated it to women who need hair after losing it to cancer). Soon, not the car that she once road in, and had adventures with me in.